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We are a certified home inspection business based in Kalispell, Montana, and serve the greater Kalispell communities, including Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Flathead Lake, Flathead County, Lake County and Glacier County.


A general home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property which is designed to identify defects within specific systems and components that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector.  The scope of work may be modified by the Client and Inspector prior to the inspection process. For a full list of what inspectors do and don't inspect, review the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors Standards of Practice.


We typically provide same-day, unbiased reports.  In an effort to be transparent, please review our inspection pricings.


Call or text us today to schedule an appointment:  (406) 530-8036

Conklin Home Inspections, providing home inspection services to the greater Kalispell area.


I'll attempt to walk your roof, depending on the material and pitch. I'll inspect:

  • Roofing materials

  • Flashing

  • Roof Penetrations 

  • Vents

  • Chimney

  • Gutters and Drainage


I'll spend time walking around the outside of your home inspecting:

  • Windows

  • Siding

  • Drainage

  • Utility connections

  • Fascia, soffits, and eaves

  • Doors

  • Walkways, patios, and decks


I'll spend at least an hour on the inside of your home and will inspect:

  • All available recepticles

  • Floors, walls, and ceilings

  • Steps, stairs, and landings

  • Doors and windows

  • Smoke alarms

  • Garage door operation

  • Sinks, Showers, Toilets, Drains

  • Kitchens and built in appliances

  • Fireplace


I'll spend time evaluating your systems, including:

  • Furnace

  • AC unit (except in winter, no window units)

  • Plumbing & Water Heater

  • Electrical Panel 

  • Sump Pumps

Attic & Crawl Space

I'll attempt reach the parts of the home you wouldn't see as a buyer, inspecting:

  • Roof Structure

  • Venting and Insulation

  • Water Leaks

  • Rodents and Insects

  • Foundation

  • Floor Structure

InterNACHI Standards

Review the complete list of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Home Inspectors.

*Water Quality / Well

*Septic Inspection


I can perform water quality tests for homes with well water. I offer three options ranging from a basic test (Total Coliform Bacteria Total Nitrate & Nitrite Conductivity pH) to a comprehensive test covering 29 different minerals and contaminants. The analysis is performed at Montana Environmental Labs and takes approximately 2 weeks to receive results.

Although I am certified to do septic inspections, I don't currently offer this service. 


I can offer referrals if this is a service you'd like to have performed. 

I recommend that initial measurements be short-term tests placed in the lowest lived-in level of the home, and performed under closed-building conditions. An initial short-term test ensures that residents are informed quickly, should a home contain very high levels of radon. Short-term tests are conducted for between two days four days. Closed-building conditions should be initiated at least 12 hours prior to testing for measurements lasting less than four days.

If the short-term measurement result is equal to or greater than 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), I will recommend a mitigation company be hired to do a follow-up measurement with specialized equipment to confirm that radon levels are high enough to warrant mitigation. 

* These services are available for additional costs, and are not included in the standard home inspection. 

Conklin Home Inspections, a certified Kalispell home inspector.
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